Pandemic Resources
Humanitas Inc is currently in full-blown adaptation mode for these unprecedented times. We are proud to provide you with the following resources to navigate the coming months.
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One in four people on earth are currently in lockdown related to the spread of the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. In many countries, this effective social isolation is planned to be sustained for weeks or months. Isolation, and the loneliness that can come with it, is a major concern for mental health.
Social isolation and poor mental health are strongly linked, in studies of both the elderly and young people. As such, plenty research has gone into formulating strategies to help people in isolation better manage their mental health.
One centre involved in the study of these issues is the Órama Institute for Mental Health, Wellbeing and Neuroscience at Flinders University. Mike Kyrios, the Institute’s director and also a professor, vice president and executive dean of Flinders’ College of Education, Psychology and Social Work, recently outlined a six-point acronym named STREAM that he says can be followed by anyone quarantining or working from home.
What is STREAM?
- S is for Social networking. Kyrios maintains that whilst the physical distancing involved in isolation is critical for our health, social networking should still be kept up, using social media, skype or phone calls.
- T is for Time out. Whilst some families may initially relish the chance to catch up, Kyrios points out that separating from each other when you are stuck together in the home for long periods is important. Timetabling periods of time out, Kyrios says, can be useful to reduce the stress of being confined with others in a small space.
- R is for Relaxation, mindfulness or yoga strategies. Kyrios says that relaxation strategies can be really helpful to manage anxiety. These include breathing exercises, progressive muscle relaxations, dancing, yoga and playing musical instruments.
- E is for Exercise and Entertainment. Whilst some lockdowns include strict regulation on exercise, other countries allow daily runs or cycles. Kyrios says that burning energy can be done outside, in a yard if you have one, or inside using online exercise videos or classes. Entertaining yourself is also essential, be it through reading, playing digital or board games, or other hobbies. Flicking through your phone to look at more coronavirus-related news does not count as a hobby.
- A is for Alternative thinking. Kyrios says that the novelty and uncertainty that the current pandemic present will cause increased tension and stress. If you are becoming angry or anxious, says Kyrios, ask yourself whether your fears are likely to come to pass, whether your responses are reasonable, and whether there are better ways to tackle your underlying feelings. Thinking things through or talking to a friend or counsellor may help with this.
- M is for being Mindful of others. Kyrios advises to remind yourself that the current crisis is a short-term situation that will be overcome. He says that checking on vulnerable neighbours, when proper hygiene practices and government restrictions are observed, is important.
By following STREAM, alongside the excellent advice from the sources below, a period of several weeks’ isolation should become more manageable. Kyrios finishes with a simple reminder: “Never forget that simple acts of kindness make us feel good about ourselves, the world and the future.”
Tips for Coping in Isolation
So, we’ve all had a few weeks of physical distance even isolation.
Instead of being bored at home with it, do something valuable with your time! The key is to avoid watching the “death count” of this virus. Doing that will only depress you and add to the stress of the unknown. Stay positive and focus on Now, as opposed to worrying about a future you cannot predict. (When have you ever been able to predict the future? Not even the weather man does that well.) Develop an ‘attiude of gratitude’ that you are safe and healthy. You can also make the best of family time, bonding and being creative with how to function in isolation.
Try a few things:
Accept that we are all in the same boat, it will take all of us to stay afloat.
The only information we have is from the past, the only information we need is about the future. Unknowns have always been with us. This is no different.
Don’t let fear of the unknown overwhelm you. Use the present moment to focus on opportunities this moment brings.
You can choose to live in fear and apprehension, or you can choose to live with hope and creativity. Which is better?
Bad things happen to good and bad people alike. But they don’t last forever!
Send important people in your life a message of appreciation, gratitude and encouragement.
Take one day at a time. Easy does it.
Offer to help your neighbours who are quarantined, by getting them groceries.
Catch up on reducing your list of household projects that are incomplete.
Fix the lights.
Paint a room a different color.
Focus on what is important, realistic and worth doing.
If you have a strong feeling – share it with someone you love.
Only watch the news for one hour a day to escape the death count.
Binge watch a bit! Catch up on the series you haven’t had time for.
Stay positive and lead others with your optimism.
Social Distancing doesn’t have to mean Social Isolation.
Keep yourself healthy. Build daily routines and one accomplishment, each day.
An act of kindness is always a good start.
Catch up with all the friends and family you had no time for when you were working.
Don’t compare your past feelings to your present feelings.
Keep your mind active with learning something new while in isolation.
Take care of your own health – jump on a trampoline, go for a walk, do some yoga, get good sleep. Eat and drink well.
Neurofeedback Remote Training
Humanitas Inc. is also offering a home training Neurofeedback system for those that wish to train during times of social distancing. The equipment will be mailed to your location and set up instructions and progress monitoring will be done online via email and telephone conferencing.